Delhi Real Estate Services India is delighted to present a comprehensive guide to for sale properties in Delhi NCR. The National Capital Region (NCR) encompasses Delhi and its surrounding areas, including parts of Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and Rajasthan. Delhi NCR offers a wide range of properties for sale across different sectors, including residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural. Whether you are looking for a place to call home, a space for your business, or land for farming, there are numerous options available for sale. Read on to explore the diverse for sale properties in Delhi NCR.

Residential Properties for Sale

Apartments and Flats:

Delhi NCR provides a variety of apartments and flats for sale, catering to individuals and families. These residential properties come in different sizes, configurations, and price ranges, allowing potential buyers to choose the one that best suits their needs and preferences. Whether you are looking for a compact apartment or a spacious luxury flat, Delhi NCR offers a wide range of options.

Residential Plots:

Delhi NCR also offers residential plots for sale, allowing individuals to build their dream homes according to their preferences. These plots are available in various sizes and locations, providing potential buyers the opportunity to design and construct their own residential spaces.

Commercial Properties for Sale

Office Spaces:

Delhi NCR serves as a prominent business hub, offering a range of office spaces for sale. Whether you are a startup, a small business, or a large corporation, there are commercial properties available to meet your requirements. From compact office spaces to entire office buildings, the region provides diverse options for buyers in various industries.

Retail Spaces:

The region boasts a vibrant retail sector, with numerous retail spaces available for sale. These properties are strategically located in commercial areas, shopping centers, and malls, ensuring high visibility and footfall. Delhi NCR’s retail spaces cater to various businesses, including shops, boutiques, restaurants, and showrooms.

Industrial Properties for Sale

Manufacturing Units and Warehouses:

For businesses involved in industrial activities, Delhi NCR offers manufacturing units and warehouses for sale. These properties are equipped with necessary infrastructure and amenities to support manufacturing, storage, and distribution operations. Industrial properties for sale cater to a wide range of sectors, including manufacturing, logistics, and distribution.

Agricultural Land for Sale

Farmland and Orchards:

Individuals and businesses interested in farming and horticulture can find agricultural land available for sale in Delhi NCR. These properties provide opportunities for cultivating crops, establishing orchards, and engaging in specialized farming practices. Agricultural land for sale allows buyers to embark on farming ventures and contribute to the region’s agricultural sector.

Property Status – For Sale

For sale properties in Delhi NCR provide opportunities for individuals and businesses to invest in real estate and own their desired properties. Whether you are looking for a residential, commercial, industrial, or agricultural property, there are numerous options available for purchase. Buying a property in Delhi NCR offers the advantage of long-term ownership and potential appreciation.


Delhi NCR offers a wide range of for sale properties across residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural sectors. Whether you are searching for an apartment, office space, manufacturing unit, or agricultural land, the region provides diverse options to meet your specific requirements. Delhi Real Estate Services India is committed to assisting you in finding the perfect property that aligns with your preferences and investment goals in Delhi NCR.